Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are you REAL: Killing Two Birds With One Stone

Real-adjective- existing or occuring as a fact

We all know the word and have been witnesses to something that has actually happened to call it real or not. But the question that lingers on my head is "Are we ourselves real?"

Here are a couple of examples: (Some of you might hate me for this but I have to keep it "REAL")

1. A lot of you (don't take it personal if you're not one of them) "claims" that you keep it real 100%...so does that mean do you keep it real 100% everytime? Or do you keep it real 100% when you want to actually tell the truth???

2. People tend to NOT tell a story at all and instead keep it to themselves...yeah, you're not telling a lie...but at the same time, you're not telling the truth either...because you know exactly what's going on...but choose not to tell it...not saying that it's a bad thing but it's safe to say that that is not a way of keeping things "Real" if you're leaving someone in the dark about something.

3. DL, or DownLow (For those who didn't know), is a term or abbreviation in the gay community meaning "Men who likes men but keeps it on the low", One who displays TWO different lifestyles...disagree? Well here's how:

Men who are on the "Downlow" would never tell their "boys" that they have a thing for "things", neither will they ask their "girlfriend" if he could go out with other men. So what do they do? They hide their sexuality or their preferences behind a FALSE immitation of what people expect their boy to act like.....

OHHHHH but babyyyy when they get behind closed doors and no one is around...the gayness sticks out on them like a sore thumb on a newborn baby! They begin to act a different type of way because now they're not around their boys or girlfriend. See the title of this blog is about being real...not FALSE..

No diss to any of the DL dudes out there but to be truthfully honest you cannot be REAL if you're living TWO different lives!! It's time for you all to start being proud of YOU and not what people think of YOU! If your "boys" were your true friends then they will except you for who YOU are and not for what they want you to be!

SO WHAT if they don't wanna be your friend anymore...for every door that closes another one...A BETTER ONE...opens. You might find yourself new "boys" that can adjust to your lifestyle and accept you. Yes it's rare, but I never said that it's impossible either!

And think of it this way....You will get called on twice....because what if they actually find out that you're gay...NOT only will they upset at you being gay but they'll also be upset that you disrespected the friendship by not being honest to them...they'll be more hurt by that than anything else...that's just something to think about fellas!


Now back into the general world. We have lied...soooooo many times...about BIG things and the Little things. But of course it's a natural thing...but we too cannot say that we never lie and expect for people to believe that we keep it "REAL"...I think we would be more real if we confess of the actions that we have lied about and own up to the consequences that follows. People would not only think of us as realists...but they'll begin to have more respect because we can be honest about things.

If we lie, period, we have to keep track of what we lied about...because eventually that question will be asked again. So as time goes on, you have to make up a lie to cover up the one you told before. Before you know it...you slip up and say exactly what everyone has been blinded to believe.

Some of you may think that this topic is so weak but really think about it:

WHAT has most of your relationship breakups been over?

WHY is it that you find out the truth from someone else other than the horse's mouth?

Frequently Reasons of Breakups:

1. He's/She's not REAL!

2. He/She's UNfaithful

3. LIES, after LIES!

Get my point?


So in the end, TO BE REAL, keep it 100% ALL OF THE TIME...if you lie tell the truth...you would be more of a person if you tell the truth instead living behind a false belief or statement.

Now THAT's keeping it REAL!!