Monday, December 6, 2010
As you saw the title "I Love Hate" you're probably wondering "What the hell do he mean? Why should I LOVE hate?" Well here's why.
Everyday, we are criticized (whether directly or indirectly) for WHATEVER we do. And there are a number of reasons why they do it...but in my opinion, there's only 2 SOLID reasons why someone has the time and effort to hate on you.
They feel if they can break you down or make you feel any less than you were, then they have won! Most people that do this have nothing better going on in their lives and decides to pick on the first person they see doing something productive or something OTHER than what they're doing. Haters only come when success is on your mind and you're on the way to it. So they figure if they can stop you in your tracks and make you quit or give up, THEY SUCCEED. But what they fail to realize is that they, in return, won't be successful. HATING or being a HATER is a round trip vacation to nowhere. And the second reason plays into this reason.
They are ALREADY intimidated by your strive to success and they see that you're doing YOU! So they feel inferior and start questioning themselves! Which brings forth the INSECURITY issues! If they didn't feel that way, then they wouldn't be trying to attack you. If they know their doing their thing then they should be supporting others or help one another to accomplish the common goal....SUCCESS! You do not have to put anyone down just to build yourself up...haven't we heard of asking for help on HOW TO GET ON THE GRIND? But in this "Dog Eat Dog" world..people only think that we gotta kill each other's pride to get to the PRIZE! Which is NOT the way to go. If someone hates on you, then don't take it seriously. They're only speaking out of the insecurities and the failures in their life. You should worry when no one's hating on you!
When that one is not being hated on, they themselves start to hate one will ever know how it feels until the shoe is on their foot. My advice is to KEEP doing what you do! When you ignore negativity, it ceases. Negativity only fuels when you add to the fire. When you respond, you give them a reason to keep trying you. Because now they're in your mind! If someone can get in your head, THEY OWN YOU! Take your risks and put that middle finger up to WHOEVER opposes it. If you let haters direct your path, then you'll only be going where they want you to go.....NOWHERE!
So, think of your haters as UNPAID PROMOTERS that are fans of you. You gotta get your name out there to get known right? One person can't do it alone, so let the haters do your job! That way...everyone will know you before you get out there. Because trust, for every ONE hater, there are a MILLION of supporters!!! Just remember to THANK THEM!
Much love......even to my HATERS! ;)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Problem Solved (5 Steps To Handle Your Problem)
First off let me welcome everyone back && for those just entering my world...WELCOME! I took a lil' time off to work on my book coming in 2011 (Yay) and needed to work on it before I got behind...but I'm back and it's time to give you guys some fresh advice and more...READY? Okay, let's get into it:
So, we all have problems. With either ourselves or with other people. Sometimes we can't figure out how to handle it so it gets the best of us and gets us mad. Before I give you my 5 steps in attempting to handle the problem do know this:
Now that I let you know that, it's time to get into the steps....shall we? :)
Well of course this would be first...before you attempt to fix the problem, you gotta fully understand WHAT THE PROBLEM IS? Some may have a major problem....others may have a problem that probably don't need to be entertained at all but needs to be anyway for their sake. This Step is not hard (Unless you have one of those 'Unknowns' -- which I'll explain in my book) so let's move on now that you have your problem.
Now-a-days, there is almost EVERY song for EVERY mood. Even though it sounds corny, some people find therapy and healing through a good ole song that they can relate to. Now, if you're going through a relationship problem, then it's probably not a good idea to listen to "Bust Your Windows" or if you're sad I would stay away from songs like "I Feel Like Dying". Even though you probably won't believe it, music is VERY influential and can sometimes make people imitate what is being said in the lyrics. Me, personally, find that a good song to help me convert my negative energy helps me get over my problem. There is NO limit on how how many times you play it. MAKE IT YOUR SONG! Pretty soon you'll find yourself starting to feel better...and you're ready for the next step.
Once you have addressed the problem and played its counterpart, it's time to shower up! Okay, now some people may be wondering "Why is taking a shower a part of the steps?". Here is why, for the deep-minded you can see that the shower can be mentally relaxing and can wash deeper than the dirt on your skin. If you open your mind, you'll see that you're not only physically cleansing your problems, but also mentally. Clearing your mind while having the issue can allow you to successfully handle your situation, no matter what it is. So, the next time you gotta let the water slide down and and your problems go with then.
Closure means to finally let go or to end a problem, something, or someone. When everything gets resolved...admit that it happened and then let it go. You're NEVER really over something until you be honest about it and say "Yes it happened". Now don't come to this step if you're still upset or angry about the problem. To have closure is also to have peace with the situation. If you don't have peace with the problem, then that means you can't have closure because your anger will bring you back to the issue. So if you hit this step and you're still upset...try going back to step 2.
One simple quote: "FORGIVE BUT NEVER FORGET"
Every experience is a learning one that you should only learn ONCE. Every obstacle was not designed to be easy. We struggle so that we can prevail. When we prevail, we experience. And when we experience, we gain! Let go and start to move on! :)
--Well, I hope you all got something out of this and hope it helps you out in the future. Comment & tell me how you feel. I would love to read and respond to your reactions! Much love. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
100/0 Relationship
- The times where you want to hang with your boo but they blow you off 95/100% of the time
- You call or text him/her more than he/she do
- You're the ONLY one that initiates a sensual moment & half the time they don't feel like "cuddling"
- They spend MORE time with their friends than with you
Kinda get it now? Well, to break it down, a "100/0 Relationship" is when you find yourself in a relationship with YOURSELF even though you're dating an actual living, breathing human being. It's when you show more affention, attention, & likeness/love to your partner than you receive. We've all experienced it & if you haven't, then more than likely you will.
Speaking from experience, I've been in an "100/0 relationship" for 7 months..don't get me wasn't all bad but "bad" weighed more than "good". I was the one to call more, ask to hang out more, show affection & love more. I got it back, but every now & then....emphasis on the THEN! I was so stuck on having someone that I lost the main point of being in a HEALTHY relationship.
When you're in a relationship, it's supposed to be YOU & HIM/HER, not just YOU. Please remember this:
Especially if you have to harm your heart doing're not solving the problem. You're making it worse!
That's when you forget your standards. Because you're so stuck on having someone on your'll settle for anything & anyone just to have someone. That's crazy! People, why do we always have to suffer from the 100/0 Relationship? We always give more into it than we receive...
To be in a productive and a successful relationship means to not only give love, but to know that you're going to receive the same amount of love in the end... To all of my HARD lovers, I know how it feels..
To be blinded every single time by an fake imitation of what we think is love...and our hearts get broken constantly because we were too late to realize what was going on..but to all of you I say this:
We like everyone else need to be strong and wise about who we truly want in our these days, ANYBODY can talk their way into a "relationship", but it takes a good hearted person to filter out what qualities they really see fit to them... If we stop lying to ourselves and others and be true in knowing what we really want...then we will lessen the number of heartbreaks and depressions everywhere.
We are all destined for love...REAL LOVE..And when we find the one for us, it won't be a sense of "does he really love me" because if it's true and real...then it shouldn't be a 100/0..nor a 70/30, or 60/40..but a 50/50 Relationship..
So to all, don't give up on love...I know it hurts but through your hurting comes won't hurt always..that ONE for you is out there...
Waiting... To take you in and love you...
Love is such a beautiful and a good thing...
And if it is a good thing then it's meant for everyone to experience...but nothing can work if you don't believe that it're gonna find that special someone..because the 100/0 thing..will be a thing of the past!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Got "Nothing" On Your Mind (Interlude)
Like you can't really put your finger on it. You can't tell if it's relationship problems, family problems, or maybe just because you cut your finger...ouch.
It's kind of an annoying issue when you suddenly become over things and don't know what drew you to it.
You know what makes it even more annoying,
When it not only effects you, it effects others as well...
Just like a contagious sickness, emotions can be spreaded also. We call that the Transfer of Energy or simply the transfer of energy.
You may not believe it but it's when energy from one party is reflected onto another...thus making the person feel the exact or nearly the same way.
Like the saying: "One bad apple could spoil the bunch"? <--Or something of that nature ;) It's true.
Let's say, HYPOTHETICALLY, you're in a room filled with "Happy-Go-Lucky" people at a small gathering. You, however, are the spoiled apple with an unidentified attitude. Hmph. Because of your rude actions and that snappy mouth of yours, people will begin to wonder "What the hell is wrong with you"?
Thus, drawing all of the positive attention into the negativity of yours! (Transfer of Energy)
But, in this case, it's NOT your fault. You did not forsee this crisis nor do you know what it is about.
Questions like these take the longest to answer because we don't know where to start or how to deal with it. We try so hard to single out ONE thing when it could be several things. It might have been that one event or a series of events. We don't know.
If you ever experience an issue where you catch a "fit" but don't know what it's about...simply ask yourself:
Then reason with yourself. Why get mad if there's NOTHING to get mad about? Why work yourself sick trying to uncover the source of your anger when there's no need to initiate it...
Stop getting mad over NOTHING.
Better yet, stop letting NOTHING get you mad.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
End (Love Making Pt.3)
The moment we have been waiting for...
I'm ready and you're ready....and now we're about to press to the end..
Our destination...CLIMAX
I bend back down on my fours and you retreive the lubrication and begin to moisten your stick and my hole..
Without any second thoughts, you lean forward and bite my ear..
as you sneak your buddy into to my system...
I let out a slight moan of discomfort, but you hold me tight and allow my friend to get used to your long, hard, stick...
You continue to bite my ear as my hole widens to suit your hung son...
You then rise up and begin to go slowly back and forth, gripping my sides as you continue the flow...
"ooooooh" "uhhhh" "uhhhhh" I moan as you work the spot between my cheeks...
This night is everything I've been waiting for...This night...our night...shared together....
I then reach back and grip your hips as I feel the motion of your body going in and out...
This feels sooo good......"oooooooh" I let out as you continue to beat...
Pat....pat....pat, the sound of your hips hitting my cheeks so hard....
Your eyes closes, as you feed my insides with your love....
Temperatures rise as we fall deeper and deeper into it...Deeper you're in it...
And the more I feel it...
Moans and the biting of my lips only signal you to go faster and deeper in...
You press hard on my hips...then pinch my cheeks with your smooth hands...
Suddenly, you pull out and aggressively flip me over to my back and enter back in...
I look into your eyes as you look back into mine...
I then reach down and begin to jerk....
The last stretch...We're getting begin to feel yourself cumming...
but slows down because you want us to cum together....
I then close my eyes for I feel myself about to bust....
"Here it comes" I Moan.....""Uhhhhhhhhhhh" "uuuuuhhhhhhhhh"....CLIMAX...
You then pull out and let out every single juice you had waiting for me....
White sensation all over my body as we satisfied our urges...
You then lay on top of me sharing our juices between our chests...
And then, as if the night couldnt get any better, you whisper "I love you"....
It was then, that my heart stopped and began to beat along with yours for I knew that...
"I Love you too"
Naked..and satisfied...We fell asleep, IN EACH OTHER'S ARMS.
The End!!
Middle (Love Making Pt.2)
the lolly pop..
licking every corner and receiving the excitement as I feel myself drawing closer to my long awaited treat
On my fours...
Uhh...babyy..damn this feel open my treasure chest...
Like a lick my booty...claiming what's lick my corners and enter your tongue in it.
My legs shake as you pat it with you tongue...Can you see this happening???
You caress and play with your treat...making it harden as you prepare for the night of your long awaited night....
Wet...Moist...Tight...and Ready..
all the words that can describe my booty that my pirate has found...
I arise and gives him a look...and whisper in his ear as he holds me from behind...
"Take it daddy" I say...."Are you ready?" He replies...
"Baby....I was born ready" seductively i say.....
Tonight....It's about to happen.....
We're about to make love....
Beginning (Love Making Pt.1)
Say no more...
I'm here waiting on you..
To enter, you had my heart a long time ago and had it ever since...
And now....we're here...
Where all of my urges and fantasies are about to be exercised as I crawl to bed starting at the foot...
I watch you biting your lip as I draw closer...and closer...can you see it happening?
I reach your beautifully crafted face, Then I kiss you so softly on your lips..
Affection and passion arise as our tongues play around with each other in the realm of love...
You slowly rub your hands down my back and grip my sides as I caress your face...
As I sit up I take off the very thing that hides the beauty...the skin that I'm in...
Your eyes light up as I sit there...thinking of what I'm going to do next..
Baby....oooh I'm so filled with surprises...
Can you see it happening?
I drag you out of bed and remove your shirt and kiss all over your chest...moving back up because...
I forgot the spot between your head and shoulders...
Your eyes drift off into heaven as I take you higher and higher in that thing we call orgasm...
You give me the signal to proceed forward by letting out a slight moan of satisfaction...
I've been waiting for this moment for a long you ready?
I move down to your trousers and unbuckle your belt and begin to lower your pants...
I look up to you as you stare seductively in my eyes..I confirm that you're all mine by licking up your body...gracefully dancing my tongue around your nipples then kissing each...your body is so smooth as your hand presses firmly on my back...are you ready??
We're about to go deeper....
Can you see it happening??
...To be continued
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How Far Can Your Love Go?
Some hate it....others love it. Some are scared of it...others are willing to take the plunge. Why? Why not?
What am I talking about you ask? Well here it is:
Let's start with reasons on why people HATE it:
The very first reason why is because you don't get to see that particular person at the times that you would actually want to....the times you need them, they might be there mentally...but many, like me, would want the physical...
Another reason is because of TRUST (this is for the ones with TRUST ISSUES)...the constant wondering of:
"Am I the only one?"
"Is he/she sleeping with someone else?"
"Could he be seeing someone else when he/she is not seeing me?"
And so on and so forth....I mean, it's already a stress when the person is right in your city...but it's a WHOLE 'nother ballgame when they're MILES away from you.
And FINALLY, we ALL will have those moments where our hormones will kick in (Don't act like it doesn't) and we would need some GROWN UP time with that person...because you wouldn't cheat.........if you're FAITHFUL! o_-
Now before I get to the part on why people LOVE it...I have to prove this point on why LDRs can & cannot work....
Firstly, Long Distance Relationships, personally, can work MORE EFFICIENTLY if the relationship started with the two in the same area...mainly because ANYBODY CAN SAY ANYTHING....BUT EVERYBODY CAN'T DO EVERYTHING!! Now a days, people can say that they are whatever you want and can very well be the EXACT me, I've experienced it and I ONLY speak from experience. People, like myself, want to see, feel, taste, hear, & feel EVERYTHING that is being written in a text or said in a chat.
Secondly, it depends HEAVILY on how big you & your partner's heart is....once you have experienced all that the person has told & promised you and you wind up you think that you will be able to keep the love & the relationship if one of you has to move?
This is where the point of my title plays: HOW FAR CAN YOUR LOVE GO?
This is also the beginning of why LDRs CAN'T work...
Depending on the trust, love, and relationship between you two is the only way you can REALLY decipher if LDR with this person is or is not for you...
NOTE: Long Distance Relationships are NOT for everyone!
If you are the type who has a HUGE trust issue: NO
If you are the type who can't have JUST ONE: NO
If you are highly social & demand your partner EVERY hour on the hour: NO
The main attribute when it comes to Long Distance Relationships is TRUST
Now let's say you two are not in the same state when you start talking...this is where I'm going to prove my point of:
Trying the long distance relationship over the internet is a HIGH RISK...but some people take them because everyone knows that they are DESTINED for LOVE....REAL LOVE!
Everything that is being said to you will more than likely be EVERYTHING you want to hear (or in most cases, see on the screen), But do NOT be so quick into believing EVERYTHING that is being said or don't immediately say I LOVE YOU when they tell you....
-> Friendship-wise is okay because you're in love with what the person says & how they roll...but at the same time LOVE is a BIG WORD & must be handled & said carefully and appropriately
You have to grasp if the person you're dealing with is serious about being in a relationship with are some things to take note of in that person:
1. You are the 1st person they talk to in the morning & the last person at night
2. They ask you when you want to see them (When people are willing to see you it's something to consider)
3. Occasional random messages that are not to you but are about you (i.e "I really wanna see him/her", "I can't wait to see him/her", etc.)
But once again, most if not all, are the "I'll believe it when I see it" type...but are not the "I wanna make it work" type...
Taking chances are a 50/50 chance but it's only based on how serious & determined you are to find love...
If both of you are the risk-takers, hardcore love seekers, & are trust-worthy then LDR is for when you set the date to see each other you can then see if everything that was said between the two is being shown...
Now this is where your patience can't let your setbacks change your course...patience is a virtue and can very well pay off. Love is out may not be there the first or second....or maybe even 10th time....but if you are serious for'll come..
So in the end... the chance of Long Distance Relationships working is solely on you & your partner...evaluate yourself and your partner on these qualities:
1. Level of Trust
2. Seriousness, Determination, & Willingness
3. Patience
4. Risk-Taking
5. Endurability
Now...if you don't like's something with self...not others... *Kanye Shrug* :)
-All Love from a DISTANCE-
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Standards (PICKY Ones Don't Get Picked)
We all have it, we all use it or apply it to our lives....or at lease, some of us do. We call it's an insight of what the word means:
-For Straight Girls & Gay Boys....which one will you probably talk to first?

Pretty screwed up match up isn't it? Yeah, I know....but here's my point:
We gotta stop being shallow & get out of the mentality of going solely on looks...because that could very well be one of our downfalls on why we can't keep a steady relationship.
Yeah the girl on the right is cute...but what if her IQ makes her seem like a pre-schooler? Or she has a NASTY attitude? And sure the dude on the left is OUT OF THIS WORLD, but what if he's a playa? What if he treats his pets better than he treats you? What if both beauties one day just lose their looks?
What do you have to go on?? Could you still date them if they suddenly went "BUTT UGLY"?
Now we're getting somewhere...
Now, don't get me wrong....there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with finding a sexy, fine, beautiful, cute, gorgeous, human being....but we cannot BASE everything off of looks...
Start with personality....get to know a person...because you know good as well your standards does not outline LOOKS alone.
This same situation goes for race, height, body figure, etc.
What does RACE have ANYTHING to do with you finding the ONE?
What?? You don't like to mix it up a little? (If you can give me a valid point...I'll stop blogging.)
Height: There is NO height requirement for LOVE!
Body Figure: BIG people need love too (And probably have BIGGER hearts)!! And so does our Skinty people!!
Here are some things to think about:
1. What makes you happy?
2. What makes you sad?
3. What gets you mad?
4. What personality do you feel compatible with?
5. Intellect/Smarts
These are some of the things that should be heavily asked when you're looking at someone....of course we notice looks before anything....but here's the part where we drop the ball:
Let's say we start talking to the person (A FINE ONE) and the person is stated EVERYTHING you DON'T like in a's what 90% of you will think while he/she is talking:
"Damn, you are soooooooo fine.... duh duh duh duh *drool*"
And this is when we forget our STANDARDS.
When we "settle" for someone...we are lowering ourselves just to have someone....we call that DESPERATE *Kanye Shrug*
We cannot let our desperation turn us away from what we LOOK for in someone...because if we settle for our desperation it'll soon turn into a DEPRESSION.
I believe if we revise our standards in an efforts that we stop looking so HARD on the outer appearance and look at what's on the inside...we can start to see some loooong lasting relationships! Because everyone is unique and can be LOVED in their own way...not just on their looks!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
That's How Strong Our Love Is
By her old half-broken window pane
Watching the rain fall...
For that day
Your day...of return..
She misses you..
Can you see it?
Can you feel her waiting...
You can always tell someone's truth by feeling it more than anything...
She's been waiting by that window pane for days now...
She knows you're soon to come around..
She knows you've been gone for too long now
She wants you back home now..
With each breath she takes she slowly drifts away
Slowly fades away, Slowly...slowly
You race and pace as hard as you can to catch that last moment of relief from her
You push down mountains and you jump oceans..
No one has faith in you anymore...They think you're down and out
But she...oh she...hasn't left your side...EVER
See that's how strong her love is...
Love is like a mother awaiting for a her child to be born...
You don't know what it is at first...but yet you're excited of what's to come
But as time progresses you start to see what it is but still don't know what is to come of it
Love is unconditional and has NO limit..
But love is also a curse...
For if we love wrong...we, ourselves, can wind up broken
Love is our most powerful weapon but yet our most powerful weakness
Love can Counter our greatest enemy and counter our own self
We must know who, what, how, where, when to love
With love comes wisdom
The naive mind can like and be fooled that it's love
But the wise know love in an instant
It's more than just a word
And at the same time the only word you could EVER need
She still waits because her love is unconditional
She still waits because her love knows that he is coming
She still waitis because her heart is one with his
Are you that person?
Picture yourself there...
Look at who you love...NO, look at who you LOVE
I mean look at the person you will go to GREAT lengths for...
Look at the person you will never doubt when they give you their word
Look at the person you tell "I LOVE YOU" and then see if you are that girl...
Will you wait?
Will you stand by that half-broken window pane?
Or are you that naive soul that fiddles with love like silly putty in your fingers
You are the sole captain steering your own emotions and only YOU know where you're going
But ask yourself this...are you being REAL with your love?
Think about the heart you are effecting..
She still waits because she knows where her love is and where it's going...
She still waits because she has his heart kept in a secret safe place that only SHE can access
Because she swore his heart will NEVER get broken with her as its keeper
Is she you?
Are you her?
How Strong is your love?
Love is powerful...
Why are you only SAYING it?
I said that love is without a limit...
Just saying it limits the POTENTIAL love you can give..
There's power in YOUR LOVE
But you'll never know until you KNOW YOUR LOVE
That's why it's hard to find our TRUE LOVE
Because we don't know what OUR LOVE IS
Feel your love coming yet?
Feel it...get to know it...
You are strong and you need to show it
Stop replacing your strong love with so much HATE
You and YOUR LOVE are bigger and stronger than that
Now, Look at the person you LOVE
Tell them you LOVE them
Tell them you will NEVER leave them
If you haven't looked at anyone....
Then you know how "Strong" your Love is...
But if you did look at someone...
You should have felt a sudden warmth in your heart
Because you are THAT girl waiting by the window pane...
Your love CAN'T be touched...
And that is indeed
Monday, February 1, 2010
5 Senses of Love
You enter the room...muscular, beautiful face, eyes deadly to the sight. Every asset on you is just complete perfection. You walk with such confidence and strength so much that no one could tell if any obstacle is a hinderance to you..your lips are smooth and are perfect for your overwhelming appearance...You stun me with one look from those eyes and you leave me speechless as if my actions were enough words for you. You begin to walk closer and my heart begins to race as I see that I am the one you are about to approach. You prepare to take me deeper in my senses with you..Here I go..
Your sweet, soft, deep, smooth voice calms the room as you tell me everything I want and need to hear..your powerful words are a beautiful melody in the playlist of my heart. Everything you say sends a hint of pleasure through my system. The more you talk the more I'm drawn into you. You started at hello and the rest is history...even the breath that you take paralyzes me in your seductive mission to claim me as your own. You know what to say and how to say it and like a bait you caught me with just a conversation. I'm ready to head deeper in my senses with you. Take me to my next step.
You walk closer to me and here you are face to face...eye to eye. It's bad enough that you have already talked your way into my heart but now you have the scent to match it too. As you continue to speak words into my ear...I'm drifting off into your sweet if you spent days and nights in a field of fresh cut spring flowers..your cologne adds the cherry to the top of this sundae that you hand-crafted and prepared for me to devour. Your aroma sends me off into an island of sensation as I now know that hygene is an important factor to you...and that you know how to attract someone with it too. I'm hooked onto you and ready to go even deeper in the senses with you...the next step.
You place your hand on my shoulder and immediately I jerk as if you sent a sensational shock through my flesh. Your hand so smooth and pleasing to my body. My soul screams for another touch from you as if it were a cat and every touch is like the addictive cat nip that they crave for. You begin to rub down my arm and my mind does flips. This feeling is so good that I don't want it to stop..I want to keep are my sweetest addiction and you know it. You then place your hands on my hips and draw me closer onto your I have lost control of what to do next. I am now your puppet and your the puppeteer controlling my every move for I have lost my state of conciousness. My body on yours is just pure bliss. I am ready to enter my last step in my senses with you...Take me there...
As if the night could not get any bring my face up...look me into my eyes..and before I knew it..our lips connected. Every single thought I had about you was exactly what I am feeling. Your lips were just as smooth as I thought it was. And then your tongue begins to play. Entering into my mouth your tongue taste just like a shower of colgate mixed with a cup of listorine...I can't believe that your delicious and tasty kiss is what I am experiencing right now...I am now in awe of what more you have to offer me...Your appearance was appealing to my eye....Your voice was a hit song in my ear....Your smell was a beautiful aroma that my nose couldn't refuse....Your touch sent a warm sensation through my body...and now your kiss tastes like the perfect ending in my FIVE SENSES OF LOVE.