We all have it, we all use it or apply it to our lives....or at lease, some of us do. We call it STANDARDS...here's an insight of what the word means:
-For Straight Girls & Gay Boys....which one will you probably talk to first?

Pretty screwed up match up isn't it? Yeah, I know....but here's my point:
We gotta stop being shallow & get out of the mentality of going solely on looks...because that could very well be one of our downfalls on why we can't keep a steady relationship.
Yeah the girl on the right is cute...but what if her IQ makes her seem like a pre-schooler? Or she has a NASTY attitude? And sure the dude on the left is OUT OF THIS WORLD, but what if he's a playa? What if he treats his pets better than he treats you? What if both beauties one day just lose their looks?
What do you have to go on?? Could you still date them if they suddenly went "BUTT UGLY"?
Now we're getting somewhere...
Now, don't get me wrong....there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with finding a sexy, fine, beautiful, cute, gorgeous, human being....but we cannot BASE everything off of looks...
Start with personality....get to know a person...because you know good as well your standards does not outline LOOKS alone.
This same situation goes for race, height, body figure, etc.
What does RACE have ANYTHING to do with you finding the ONE?
What?? You don't like to mix it up a little? (If you can give me a valid point...I'll stop blogging.)
Height: There is NO height requirement for LOVE!
Body Figure: BIG people need love too (And probably have BIGGER hearts)!! And so does our Skinty people!!
Here are some things to think about:
1. What makes you happy?
2. What makes you sad?
3. What gets you mad?
4. What personality do you feel compatible with?
5. Intellect/Smarts
These are some of the things that should be heavily asked when you're looking at someone....of course we notice looks before anything....but here's the part where we drop the ball:
Let's say we start talking to the person (A FINE ONE) and the person is stated EVERYTHING you DON'T like in a person....here's what 90% of you will think while he/she is talking:
"Damn, you are soooooooo fine.... duh duh duh duh *drool*"
And this is when we forget our STANDARDS.
When we "settle" for someone...we are lowering ourselves just to have someone....we call that DESPERATE *Kanye Shrug*
We cannot let our desperation turn us away from what we LOOK for in someone...because if we settle for our desperation it'll soon turn into a DEPRESSION.
I believe if we revise our standards in an efforts that we stop looking so HARD on the outer appearance and look at what's on the inside...we can start to see some loooong lasting relationships! Because everyone is unique and can be LOVED in their own way...not just on their looks!